Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Crowning achievements

I'll give you 3 guesses as to what we have been spending our time doing. After many prolonged family bathroom trips that involve reading, singing, playing with toys, moral support lectures, pulling the pants up and down (among other things), Roland seems to be getting the hang of pottying. He is VERY proud of himself. We are not all the way there yet, but this is a big step.

Love hurts

As much as I try to convince Duncan that he only has 18 more years of this "tough love," he just doesn't seem to be consoled. Please note that no babies were harmed in the making of this blog.

Duncan just wanted to show off his cute onsie that "Aunt" Erika gave him. How do you get this thing on?

Where's the beef?

On that baby! From 2/26/08-3/27/08 Duncan gained 4 lbs. Whoah! Shane is predicitng a future line-backer.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bunny Time

Another month has come and gone and along with it, another holiday. We celebrated Easter in Tennessee with Mawmaw. We had a great time visiting. We went to Dollywood, had 3 egg hunts, and of course, saw the Easter Bunny. Roland was a little skeptical about the whole Easter Bunny thing. This is about as close as he came to sitting on it's lap.

You can see where his interest really lies...

I personally like these Easter Bunnies best.

Mawmaw helped us dye eggs so we thought to have our own egg hunt. It went a LOT slower than the other egg hunts. They went by so fast that I couldn't even get pictures. 50 kids+300 eggs=30 seconds.

This is Roland at Dollywood. I think Mawmaw beat him into submission while Shane and I rode the rollercoaster (a.k.a. best roller coaster ever). All in all, we had a lot of fun!