The year in review...

From the get-go Duncan has been very independent and seems to know what he wants. Both he and Roland held there heads up within the first week of life. It concerns me to think how this independence might play out in the teenage years. Duncan seems ridiculously strong sometimes, and I have already thought, "Man, he might be able to take me."
His personality has really blossomed over the past couple weeks. He can dance, high five, ride a push car, give big sloppy kisses, drink from a straw, play peek-a-boo, flirt (outrageously), stand upright with no help (albeit reluctantly), and is on the verge of taking his first steps. Our "game of the week" involves crawling up the back of the tub and then sliding down the slope of the tub on his belly-repeat 25 times. I just can't tell you how funny he thinks this is.
He is also talking quiet a bit. I think Duncan will be a real character when he grows up. Although he gets very upset when he doesn't get his way, in general, he loves to be held and seems to smile continuously.
We celebrated Duncan's first birthday 3 times! How awesome is that? The weekend before we had a party in Albemarle with some of my family, a cake in Durham on the actual birthday, and then a celebration with Grandma Avis's family for John (15), Riya (5), and Duncan (1).
We would like to thank everyone for the great gifts, cards, and thoughts. I think Duncan enjoyed himself immensely, but what kid wouldn't when jacked up on blue icing?