Saturday, February 28, 2009

Snow Day!

Snow ! We don't get very much of it around here, but we did have one nice snow day. The last significant ice/snow was when Roland was born. This time it started the night of his birthday. What a great present. We had enough to make a snow man and some awesome snow cream. We are "expecting" some more tomorrow, so I thought I should get the pictures from the first snow up, first. Roland did not know what to make of the snow, but he did like throwing snow balls. Duncan, well he didn't like it so much.

The Ponderosa.
These pics are from our predator vs. prey series. Nothing brings out the crazies in dogs like some snow.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to Roland, again and again and again

It has been an amazing 4 years! Roland has already told us that he is "a man" three times since he turned 4. While that is funny, I sometimes think he really thinks it is true. He has been something else. Last week he has started rolling his eyes at me (which makes me bust out laughing, Roland, too). And this week he has been "talking with his eyebrows." Roland has somehow morphed into a pretty good big brother. He is being really helpful with Duncan, and tries to look out for his best interest, at least sometimes. And, he is a really good son, most of the time. He tells us "thank you" and "I love you" at all the right times. We are suckers for a sweet face.
The other night we had a huge meltdown because I told Roland we would not go to the toy store due to his bad behavior, which resulted in tea (Roland) and food (Shane)being dumped on my carpet. After 30 mins of crying , I caved and said that if he could write his name, something I have never seen him do, he could go to Wal Mart (aka Satan's spawn when you have kids) to get a toy. He said, "Sniff sniff sniff, I need a pencil," and proceeded to write his name. Motivation is everything.
I am sure there are at least a million things I could tell you about this last year and all Roland has surprised us with, but I'd never get anything posted at that rate. He sure keeps us on our toes.

The Big Day!

I just like this picture.

Numero Uno




Karaoke night

Every little boy's dream-MONSTER JAM!

Birthday party No. 1

Birthday with friends

Friday, February 6, 2009

All I want for Christmas Is My Viral Con-junc-ti-vi-tis

Okay. In all fairness, we do have something like 7 or so Christmas's and it put me a little behind. A lot behind. Even so, I didn't want to skip Christmas all together. Shane had to work on Christmas Eve, but we took off right after to Albemarle to celebrate with Grammy and PawPaw and family. Sure enough, Roland wakes up Christmas morning looking like he had been scrapping with Mike Tyson (pink eye). We headed over to Aunt Pat Pat's to see what Santa had brought. Then it was on to Tennessee to see Mammaw (not pictured here due to death threats about a previously posted picture of Mammaw). We had a wonderful holiday. I was thinking that there should be little "maximum occupancy" signs on homes to indicate exactly how many toys one house can handle. I am pretty sure we are in violation of that code.

Uncle Dale luuuuvs him some Christmas.

Too sexy for my shirt...

Grammy helping the boys with their presents.

Christmas with Granny Flo.

Talk about a mess of trouble. I don't think you can fit any more hard heads into this picture.

Redneck double stroller! We spent the day in Gatlinburg with Mammaw. Here we are getting ready to go up to the top of the ski slope. Too bad there wasn't more snow so we could have went skiing. Nothing like some 60 degree winter weather.
You know how they say that when your body is in too much pain, you just pass out? Well, here is Freddie (obviously delirious at this point), right before the numbness takes over. My family is a lot to handle, even if you are used to us.

Turd Burglers. Don't ask.

Roland knows that if you want to get the great Christmas gifts, you have to go straight the source.

These pics are on our way back from TN. This is Fancy Gap, I think. The whole town is very beautiful, but the river and the rocks were the icing on the cake.

We also had Mamaw and Papaw over right after Christmas. Here is Duncan discussing his gifts with Mamaw.

Mamaw had an awesome hotel with an indoor pool and hot tub. The boys were very excited about swimming.

Papaw Doug getting a serious arm workout!

Shane's friends always said he must have some monkey blood in him. I think he has passed some on to Roland.
Mamaw and Roland working on their excel spreadsheet. Okay, playing games, but they look so serious.

Peace on Earth, good will to all...
Well, I have used all of my cheese doodles to placate Duncan while I worked on this post, so-til next time, yo.