Saturday, November 26, 2011


For all of you that don't already know, Shane has been working in Lexington, NC for the last two months. It has been a very busy time and it has taken some getting used to. The long term goal would be to move, if the job goes well, so that we could save money on school and daycare and be closer to family.
While some aspects of single parenthood are easier, we all miss Daddy very much and we try to take time to enjoy him while he is here on the weekends. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't hear, "When is Daddy coming home?" and "I want my Daddy." The hardest part is balancing work at home (which is always backlogged, even in good times) with the absolutely beautiful weather we have been having. I just thought I would share some of our pics from the Eno River, one of our favorite places.


HOOOOOOWL for Wolfpack football!
Today, NCSU plays Maryland for a chance at a bowl game. Regardless of whether or not they win today, we can at least say we can at least say we saw them win something...even if it was against Central Michigan. We celebrated employee appreciation with all the boys before the game and enjoyed free food, games and other goodies. Then we dropped the big guys off and went back to the game with Henry. I don't think he cared for football very much, but he was a good boy and was happy as always with his bottle of milk.

Dad and Henry with the wolf.
Duncan getting his cornhole on.
Roland dressed for football action.

Dad and Henry with the band. Check out those seats! I haven't had seats that good since I was in band.
A great big Price family shoutout to Dr. Hyman for passing on the free football tix!
Good luck Pack!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Death of Mini Me

Question: How do you know when you should remove your dog's tumor?
Answer: When you name it and it weighs as much as your newborn.

After three years (2 softball sized years and one increasing from softball to Pomeranian), we finally bit the bullet and had Oscar's tumor removed. He is doing great and I am really pleased with the results. He looks especially good since the hair is coming back. We are grateful that he made it through okay, considering his age and the extent of the tumor, but also a lot less embarrassed to take him out in public.

Please be warned that at least one of these shots is gross.

If you look closely at this shot, you can see that the tumor was starting grow it's own tumor. It's that little thing that looks like an outtie belly button.
Brand new dog. I guess it is safe to assume that the tumor was not responsible for his laziness.

First day of school

Again, even though some of these events are long past, I have to blog just to have a record of them before they are sucked away in the vortex of life and just become a distant memory. I am finally in a place that I can catch up to the current events-I think. Every time I say that, things seem to have a way of proving me wrong.
We begrudgingly began a new school year. I won't say the boys were thrilled about it, but they were okay with it. I personally thought it sucked. This is the first summer in years that I have been able to keep the boys at home and it was super cool. Even working at night couldn't dampen my spirits. I really like not having any where to be in the mornings. It just makes things so much easier. It also prolongs me getting anything done on a daily basis. Outside of a small incident where Duncan escaped the house and ended up at the stop sign looking for his dad and was subsequently brought home by some random woman, we all had a fabulous summer and it gave all of us some time to bond. Here's to K3 and 1st grade!