Thursday, December 20, 2007

Gettin' our Christmas groove on

Slowly but surely we have been preparing for Christmas. We let Roland decorate the tree this year which left us with a lot less balls than we had to start with. I chose this picture so that everyone can see the newest fad in holiday decorating-placing all the ornaments in one spot. Martha Stewart ain't got nothing on us! Duncan helped by doing what he does best: looking cute and sleeping.Roland also had his Christmas play, but I could not get any pictures of his class from where I was sitting. Here he is afterward in his mouse get-up. I am not sure I remeber the part about mice and the nativity, but what do I know. The little girl is Celsey. I think she is Roland's first sweetheart.

And of course, Santa Claus. Here's hoping he hasn't really paid that much attention to that whole "naughty" thing.

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