Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ahhhh-baby's first stiches?

It certainly was a memorial weekend at our house. Shane has been building a shed so that we have more places to put our ever expanding "stuff." On Saturday, just as Shane began the roofing, Roland cut his toe (the one that goes to the market) on some roofing tin. He didn't even make a sound. I was trying to get his picture on the roof and he had a weird look on his face and that is when I noticed his foot was bleeding-a lot. He is one tough bird. I also found that there is yet another use for the portable DVD player. This ain't my first trip to the emergency room.

Before After-this is a dramatization. I guess Roland felt the need to re-enact his tragic event. All the red stuff is where he colored himself with a marker.
Could this boy be any more like his dad?

Roland has not let the stitches hold him back any. He has been jumping on the trampoline and running around like a crazy man. We managed to go to the park some Monday and play before it was back to work.
Duncan took his first swing ride. He could hardly sit up, but he was laughing like crazy!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A month of Duncans

Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes.
Just kidding!
I think this must be the spell Duncan uses on me. I am a sucker for a pitiful face. Actually, I'm a sucker for most anything involving my boys (Shane included-sometimes).

In the past, although I have been tempted, I have tried to avoid the naked pictures because of internet issues. But some are just too cute to resist.

Duncan is still not that much of a roller, but he is a heck of a squirmerer. Apparently you have to hook the safety straps for them to work. You learn something new everyday being a parent!

There is such a thing as too much jumpy. I guess this is my way of finding out exactly
how much that is. Ducan says, "Geez mom, give a boy a break."

Everybody loves some Duncan sugar. It is usually open-mouth and pretty messy, but sweet nonetheless. Duncan loves him some Roland. Every time he comes in the room, Duncan just lights up. I was pretending to spank Duncan the other day and Roland came to me and said, "No! Duncan's too little." I think he's starting to love Duncan a little bit too.
Dad likes to get his kisses too. This was so sweet because every time Shane would kiss Duncan, Duncan would just close his eyes and sit really still. Of course, I was too slow to capture that.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Conjoined Dogs?

Maybe this should have been called ying and yang. I am pretty negligent about taking pictures of the older "kids," so I thought I would include a few of them. For those of you who don't know, this is Oscar and Buckwheat. It's a rough life.
Poor Buckwheat seems to be the brunt of many of Roland's escapades. He is a very tolerant, to say the least. He gets into a lot of trouble when he leaves the yard, but I have to say he is a great guardian to all of us. When Roland or Duncan cries, he is there to make sure they are all right.
This is mine and Shane's first cat together. Harley will be 14 this year. Crazy. She may be getting on in years, but she still rules the roost.
And this is Thomas. About six years ago, I began to notice that all of the cat food I left out when I went to work was all being consumed (which was no the norm). Then a few days later, I came home to find this cat sleeping on my couch. We haven't been able to get rid of him since. He is second in line for roost-ruling, but for right now he is just a fat, lazy bum.