Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ahhhh-baby's first stiches?

It certainly was a memorial weekend at our house. Shane has been building a shed so that we have more places to put our ever expanding "stuff." On Saturday, just as Shane began the roofing, Roland cut his toe (the one that goes to the market) on some roofing tin. He didn't even make a sound. I was trying to get his picture on the roof and he had a weird look on his face and that is when I noticed his foot was bleeding-a lot. He is one tough bird. I also found that there is yet another use for the portable DVD player. This ain't my first trip to the emergency room.

Before After-this is a dramatization. I guess Roland felt the need to re-enact his tragic event. All the red stuff is where he colored himself with a marker.
Could this boy be any more like his dad?

Roland has not let the stitches hold him back any. He has been jumping on the trampoline and running around like a crazy man. We managed to go to the park some Monday and play before it was back to work.
Duncan took his first swing ride. He could hardly sit up, but he was laughing like crazy!

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