...and it did snow again!
Well, I sort of killed our computer and after many many weeks of me "fixing" it, I finally sought professional help. When that didn't work, I sought more professional help. Thanks to the people of Carolina Computer Services and $350, our data has been recovered and the computer is healed. So this is our run-down of spring and all the things that have been keeping us busy.This is our spin on how things should have went down
Spring brought us beautiful cherry blossoms. Fortunately for our cherry tree, these five days of flowers a year keep us from cutting down what is otherwise a rickety looking tree.
Alas, we get to be outside! Here we are at Myrtle Beach. It was still too cold to go into the ocean, but there was beautiful weather, family and many heated pools. Both boys love to swim, and Roland can actually swim under water pretty well. What a good use of some of that energy!
The guy on the right is PawPaw's hero, Uncle Glen (and Aunt Helen, Grammy and PawPaw). He was a racing fool back in the back times.
Of course we had to go back to Medieval Times. This time was even better because our knight won.
Duncan's hangout. Nothing seems to convince Duncan this is a bad idea.
Our friend Cullen's (in pic) birthday party. That's a lot of balls. If any of you have seen the Simpson's episode with Maggie in the balls, this was much the same. Duncan was terrified for the first five minutes and Roland was overwhelmed. They eventually got the hang of things and had a great time.
Carnival at Easter? Yep. My side of the family came up for Easter and we took the little guys to the carnival.
Our friend Cullen's (in pic) birthday party. That's a lot of balls. If any of you have seen the Simpson's episode with Maggie in the balls, this was much the same. Duncan was terrified for the first five minutes and Roland was overwhelmed. They eventually got the hang of things and had a great time.
Carnival at Easter? Yep. My side of the family came up for Easter and we took the little guys to the carnival.
Roland and his hero.
We had a little egg hunt at home. This is the first year that Roland has really gotten the hang of the fast-paced Easter egg hunt. Duncan got a few eggs, but couldn't seem to take his mind off the fact that they had candy in them, so we couldn't go on to the next egg until we had eaten the candy from the previous egg.
Our first season of tee ball. Could've been better, could've been worse. We won all of our games except for one tie. We made some good friends and met some nice parents, but 3 and 4 year olds playing tee ball? I don't know. My brother said that if a plane flew over during my nephew's tee ball game that the game just stopped. I think that sums it up. Roland is a great hitter and runner, but the outfield is just not enough action to keep him in the game. I'm sure that will get better for all the little ones when they can hit the ball past the pitcher.
Everybody in! I don't know what brought this about, but one day I was feeding Duncan and turned around to see he had done this all by himself. I just busted out laughing. I love the way babies are so proud of themselves for any accomplishment.
Ro looking like the cutest poindextor ever.
I don't understand the obsession with using all the stickers in the pack at once.
Happy Birthday to me! My how time flies. Apparently the star candle represents and undisclosed number of years. In this case it must be 25.
Ro looking like the cutest poindextor ever.
I don't understand the obsession with using all the stickers in the pack at once.
Good fences make good neighbors? I don't know about that. But it might make a good dog. Keep your fingers crossed. This was Shane's spring project. He did a great job!
I hate baby prints on the glass, but he was just too funny. He loves to drive the car. You have to put the key in and put on the sunglasses and fix the cup holder-the whole nine yards.
Here we are at the museum.
The butterfly
Cullen's sister Presley got this super cool go kart for her birthday. She was nice enough to let her dad come and give Roland a ride. He was super cheesy.
Trike-a-thon. Roland, in his usual fashion, has suddenly become a great bike rider. Here he his earning some money for St Judes.
Here we are at the museum.
The butterfly
Cullen's sister Presley got this super cool go kart for her birthday. She was nice enough to let her dad come and give Roland a ride. He was super cheesy.
Trike-a-thon. Roland, in his usual fashion, has suddenly become a great bike rider. Here he his earning some money for St Judes.
Tumblebus recital. This was awesome. The kids all did so well, and Roland got his first "real" medal. Good job Roland!
Here is our cool friend Maddox. We were fortunate to have Erika, Nate, Maddox , Rusty and as yet un-named baby #2 come to visit before they move to Texas. They went to Roland's tee ball game and we played around in the yard. There is never enough time, but we were glad to see them!
Roland and Coach Rodney at the team picnic
Some of the team monkeying around
Here we are in TN celebrating Aunt Pat Pat's 60th birthday (June 12th)! Did I say 60? She was nice enough to let us go to the water park for her birthday. The water park was sweet fun, but we forgot to get any pictures. Jesse also celebrated his 13th birthday on the June13th. And I remember the day he was born. It is all so fast.
Some of the team monkeying around
Here we are in TN celebrating Aunt Pat Pat's 60th birthday (June 12th)! Did I say 60? She was nice enough to let us go to the water park for her birthday. The water park was sweet fun, but we forgot to get any pictures. Jesse also celebrated his 13th birthday on the June13th. And I remember the day he was born. It is all so fast.
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