Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I came home today and Roland ran to the car to tell me that he didn't get any checks today! That means he listened and did what he was told. I told him that was so great and he said in a whisper, "and I even got ice cream." I said, "Wow. I knew you could do it." He said, "I might do that two times. I might be good another day." It is a start. The funny part is, yesterday is the first day they could get ice cream after lunch, and he did not because he got a check mark. I think it is so funny that food is his motivator. I do not think that Shane could deny paternity. Hey, whatever it takes.
Also, I told Duncan this morning that I hoped he would pee in the potty and not his pants because he looked so handsome in the clothes he had on. Sure enough, I came home to a baby in the same clothes he went to school in. What a day!

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