As I am sure most of you know by now, we are expecting a new baby somewhere around May 8, 2011-May 18, 2011 - depending on who you ask. We were not necessarily intending to have another baby, but I guess there is always that niggling want to have the opposite sex. Nevertheless, there is no turning back now. From the first day we asked the boys what baby names they liked, this baby has been Chloe.
Right before Christmas, we found out we are having...a boy! So much for the opposite sex dream. Depending on how you look at it, all boys could be a good thing. Provided they do not drive us crazy with their non-stop energy or eat us out of house and home, I think that the boys will be relatively low maintenance. I really can't complain about it because the two we have luuuuuv their Mom.
After we found out the sex, I told the boys that Chloe was a girl's name and they said no it wasn't because the dog at the house where we went trick-or-treating was named Chloe. I said that the dog was a girl, but no one believes me. So after much pestering for a boy name, Roland has come up with (not sure where) Scarful.
We didn't get the best ultrasound pictures because this baby apparently feels the need to sit on my bladder, making it hard to see.
And just in case there was any doubt, the third ultrasound confirmed what the second had said. The tech said they refer to this as a turtle (see below).
Little Chloe was having no part in the picture taking. Even with much jostling, he kept his hands in his face and refused to wake up. We at least have a little preview of what is to come. I suppose we will see the real deal soon enough!

After we found out the sex, I told the boys that Chloe was a girl's name and they said no it wasn't because the dog at the house where we went trick-or-treating was named Chloe. I said that the dog was a girl, but no one believes me. So after much pestering for a boy name, Roland has come up with (not sure where) Scarful.