Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Football Baby!

Football season has come and gone. It started out pretty rough, but you have to consider that these kids are 5-7 year olds and the there is a pretty steep learning curve. These guys did a really good job though. They went from the basic throw/catch practice to actually running a couple of plays in about 6 weeks. I don't know that this is the sport for Roland, but I think he had definite potential, if he applied himself. He certainly liked the concept of him chasing his friends and them chasing him, it was just that those pesky rules and that football just kept ruining the chase! We are very proud parents just the same. Congratulations Roland on your first football season!


Maddox said...

That might be the cutest thing ever.

mawmaw said...

I am so proud of that boy. "GO ROLAND" Love Mawmaw