Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Butterscotch!

Somehow our little man has turned 3! I do not know where the time has went. It seems like just yesterday when I held a tiny 7lb baby in my arms. I can't say enough about Duncan. He is something else. He is always saying to me, "Momma, do you want (insert here)? Say yes." He is pretty hard to resist. He usually sleeps in a diaper, and each morning he gets up and does the pee dance and says, "Gotta go pee. Gotta go pee." I always tell him to go. He always goes to Shane's bathroom to pee, but he takes his diaper off and takes it to my bathroom and puts it in the trash can, then runs back and pees in Shane's bathroom. I can't help but think he got some of his neurotic behavior from me. I am so proud. One of my most favorite things Duncan does though is calls his chin a "chicken." It is so sweet when he runs into the room crying about how he hit his chicken. We still have to carry him most everywhere because his "legs are tired." It is hilarious when we have been doing something like riding in the car and we get out and he walks about 30 ft and says "carry me, my legs are tired." Roland is definitely a Momma's boy, but Duncan is our in-between. He loves his Momma when she is nice, but at the first sign of discipline, he always says, "I want my Daddy." And when he is scared, he is definitely Daddy's boy. Since Roland has been in school, Duncan always wants his backpack to carry around. He tells me that he is going to "draw my name," or asks "how do you draw your name." His thing of the week is calling us "butterscotch" or "pork chop," which totally cracks him up. He told me "goodnight pork chop" just last night, which of course led to a slew of name calling that prolonged bedtime for another 15 minutes. He keeps us laughing. Shane and I consider ourselves lucky to have two sweet, funny, healthy, loving boys. I think Duncan will definitely be a lover, but God help us all if he is a fighter.

Birthday #2 at home.

Birthday #3 with Grammy and PawPaw-I really hate I don't have video to put up of Duncan riding the horse they gave him. He he giving the hardwood floors hell.
Happy Birthday stamps.
Birthday #1 at school.

1 comment:

mawmaw said...

Mawmaw and Pawpaw Freddie love us some Butterscotch. Happy Bithday Duncan