Yeah Roland! Roland finally got to bring home Frankie the frog! Each week a student in Roland's class gets to bring home the class frog (based on good behavior). At first, I thought Roland would never see that frog. Over the past several weeks, his behavior has been getting better and better. He made it to Thursday with only happy faces just a few weeks ago. This particular week, they only had 4 days of class and on Thursday morning, I woke Roland up and he said, "I am going to try to be good today. No, I will be good today. I am going to get Frankie." We are so proud! Below are some of the pictures we posted in Frankie's journal. We also took him to see Santa!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Happy Birthday Butterscotch!
Somehow our little man has turned 3! I do not know where the time has went. It seems like just yesterday when I held a tiny 7lb baby in my arms. I can't say enough about Duncan. He is something else. He is always saying to me, "Momma, do you want (insert here)? Say yes." He is pretty hard to resist. He usually sleeps in a diaper, and each morning he gets up and does the pee dance and says, "Gotta go pee. Gotta go pee." I always tell him to go. He always goes to Shane's bathroom to pee, but he takes his diaper off and takes it to my bathroom and puts it in the trash can, then runs back and pees in Shane's bathroom. I can't help but think he got some of his neurotic behavior from me. I am so proud. One of my most favorite things Duncan does though is calls his chin a "chicken." It is so sweet when he runs into the room crying about how he hit his chicken. We still have to carry him most everywhere because his "legs are tired." It is hilarious when we have been doing something like riding in the car and we get out and he walks about 30 ft and says "carry me, my legs are tired." Roland is definitely a Momma's boy, but Duncan is our in-between. He loves his Momma when she is nice, but at the first sign of discipline, he always says, "I want my Daddy." And when he is scared, he is definitely Daddy's boy. Since Roland has been in school, Duncan always wants his backpack to carry around. He tells me that he is going to "draw my name," or asks "how do you draw your name." His thing of the week is calling us "butterscotch" or "pork chop," which totally cracks him up. He told me "goodnight pork chop" just last night, which of course led to a slew of name calling that prolonged bedtime for another 15 minutes. He keeps us laughing. Shane and I consider ourselves lucky to have two sweet, funny, healthy, loving boys. I think Duncan will definitely be a lover, but God help us all if he is a fighter.
Birthday #2 at home.
Birthday #3 with Grammy and PawPaw-I really hate I don't have video to put up of Duncan riding the horse they gave him. He he giving the hardwood floors hell.
Happy Birthday stamps.
Birthday #1 at school.
Birthday #2 at home.
Birthday #3 with Grammy and PawPaw-I really hate I don't have video to put up of Duncan riding the horse they gave him. He he giving the hardwood floors hell.
Happy Birthday stamps.
Birthday #1 at school.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Football Baby!
Football season has come and gone. It started out pretty rough, but you have to consider that these kids are 5-7 year olds and the there is a pretty steep learning curve. These guys did a really good job though. They went from the basic throw/catch practice to actually running a couple of plays in about 6 weeks. I don't know that this is the sport for Roland, but I think he had definite potential, if he applied himself. He certainly liked the concept of him chasing his friends and them chasing him, it was just that those pesky rules and that football just kept ruining the chase! We are very proud parents just the same. Congratulations Roland on your first football season!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween-primitive style
We have finally come down off of our candy high long enough to blog! So many things have been going on it is hard to know where to begin. Roland took his first school field trip to a pumpkin farm. He was so excited to ride the school bus. I met him there and we had an awesome day with his classmates. The best part was that they had a huge corn filled bin for all the kids to play with, much like the one that we went to as a family. Being the forgetful person I am, I regrettably did not take the camera. He then got to take the bus back to school and then got to spend the afternoon at work with me.
This year, we decided to go as cavemen. It didn't seem like too much of a stretch from our normal selves. Maybe giving our kids something to club each other with was not such a great idea, but it seemed okay in theory. Roland kept (jokingly, I think) telling everyone he was going to club them if they didn't give him some candy.
Before Halloween, I took some of our decorations down from the attic while the boys were otherwise occupied. Maybe 30 minutes later, Duncan comes running into the kitchen scared out of his wits and totally freaking out saying, "Momma, Momma, there is a big spider in the floor and I touched it. I scared." The whole time we had the spider hanging outside, he would run over to the front window and point to the spider and tell us to look at it and repeat how scared he was. It was so funny.
The jack-o-lantern collection.
We had a short visit from MawMaw right before Halloween and she got to go with Duncan on a hayride at school. He was very excited. They love to have any family around to show off at school. Sometimes it is hard living away from everyone. This is Duncan and some of his classmates. They are all so sweet and love to hug. It really makes you feel awesome to go spend time with them.
This year, we decided to go as cavemen. It didn't seem like too much of a stretch from our normal selves. Maybe giving our kids something to club each other with was not such a great idea, but it seemed okay in theory. Roland kept (jokingly, I think) telling everyone he was going to club them if they didn't give him some candy.
Before Halloween, I took some of our decorations down from the attic while the boys were otherwise occupied. Maybe 30 minutes later, Duncan comes running into the kitchen scared out of his wits and totally freaking out saying, "Momma, Momma, there is a big spider in the floor and I touched it. I scared." The whole time we had the spider hanging outside, he would run over to the front window and point to the spider and tell us to look at it and repeat how scared he was. It was so funny.
The jack-o-lantern collection.
We had a short visit from MawMaw right before Halloween and she got to go with Duncan on a hayride at school. He was very excited. They love to have any family around to show off at school. Sometimes it is hard living away from everyone. This is Duncan and some of his classmates. They are all so sweet and love to hug. It really makes you feel awesome to go spend time with them.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Good times
On a spur of the moment decision, we managed to squeeze in one last beach trip to say farewell to summer. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and even though we didn't get to the beach until 1 AM, it was well worth it. With no reservation, we ended up getting a room with a great rate, but a not so great view. All the same, we woke up Saturday morning and everyone piled onto our miniature balcony to view the parking lot. Much to our surprise, there were kilted men with bagpipes and clowns and go karts and bands and Shriners everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Turns out there was a huge Shriner's parade that was really cool. Sometimes things just work out.
This was one of my personal favorites. Maybe no the best picture, but the guys line up behind this Suburban and drive over the top of it while it goes down the road.
I have decided that being a Shriner has very little to do with helping children, and a lot more to do with old white guys being children. It's all good either way, but it is interesting to see what kind of spin men can put on something to have an excuse to ride a go kart. I have never seen so many go karts, nor such variety. I give them an "A" for creativity.
I took this for PawPaw Freddie so he can see what we are getting him when he retires (just kidding-you know we are too cheap for that).
I took this for PawPaw Freddie so he can see what we are getting him when he retires (just kidding-you know we are too cheap for that).
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I came home today and Roland ran to the car to tell me that he didn't get any checks today! That means he listened and did what he was told. I told him that was so great and he said in a whisper, "and I even got ice cream." I said, "Wow. I knew you could do it." He said, "I might do that two times. I might be good another day." It is a start. The funny part is, yesterday is the first day they could get ice cream after lunch, and he did not because he got a check mark. I think it is so funny that food is his motivator. I do not think that Shane could deny paternity. Hey, whatever it takes.
Also, I told Duncan this morning that I hoped he would pee in the potty and not his pants because he looked so handsome in the clothes he had on. Sure enough, I came home to a baby in the same clothes he went to school in. What a day!
As insane as it is, Roland started "real" school (8/18/10)! I did not cry (that was for when they had to start daycare), but I couldn't help but wonder how this was happening already. Even looking back of pictures from when Duncan was born, I just can't believe Roland was that small. He was actually the same age Duncan is now, when Duncan was born.
My Big Guys. Touching and Smiling. 2 for 2.
One small step for man, one giant step in the life of Roland.
Roland actually has a locker. This was unheard of in my kindergarten. The best part about his locker, is that it is above Craig's locker. Craig is Roland's former BFF, who is not in his class this year. Craig says (and that is how I hear about things-"well Craig says...") that dinosaurs are still around. Now guess who is scared to sleep alone for fear of being eaten by dinosaurs? Thanks Craig. The new BFF is Jeffery. I have not met him yet.
Not to be outdone, Duncan had to wear his backpack also. He was very excited about the first day of school even though he is going to the same school and the same teacher. He could not advance to the 3 year old class unless he was potty trained before the new school year. So guess who went to the first day of school in panties? That's right. Duncan is doing really well with his potty training at home. I have no idea what goes on at school. Duncan is hilariously funny and I can't help but laugh, at least inwardly, when he starts cataloging all the people he hit each day at school. He doesn't say it with malice, just as fact. Before this school year, it was, Abigail hit me" or "Abigail scratched me" and this was often right after he woke up and had obviously not been around Abigail. Sometimes it is "tiger scratched me," so I suppose we can't blame Abigail for everything.
And...Roland lost his first tooth (7/4/10)! Consequently, I figured it was time for a dentist visit seeing as how the new one, which came in within the same week, was crazy crooked. The dentist assures me that that means nothing. But the downside is, Ro had one cavity, which we have already gotten filled. I was pretty worried about how that would go with the numbing, but he did fabulous! On top of that, there is another one loose. Thanks goodness he doesn't wiggle them so the tooth fairy has time to save up before the next one falls out.
As of this posting, we are 23 days into kindergarten. Roland loves to tell people that he is in kindergarten now. Although he has gotten in some trouble for not "first time listening," I really think he likes school.
My Big Guys. Touching and Smiling. 2 for 2.
One small step for man, one giant step in the life of Roland.
Roland actually has a locker. This was unheard of in my kindergarten. The best part about his locker, is that it is above Craig's locker. Craig is Roland's former BFF, who is not in his class this year. Craig says (and that is how I hear about things-"well Craig says...") that dinosaurs are still around. Now guess who is scared to sleep alone for fear of being eaten by dinosaurs? Thanks Craig. The new BFF is Jeffery. I have not met him yet.
Not to be outdone, Duncan had to wear his backpack also. He was very excited about the first day of school even though he is going to the same school and the same teacher. He could not advance to the 3 year old class unless he was potty trained before the new school year. So guess who went to the first day of school in panties? That's right. Duncan is doing really well with his potty training at home. I have no idea what goes on at school. Duncan is hilariously funny and I can't help but laugh, at least inwardly, when he starts cataloging all the people he hit each day at school. He doesn't say it with malice, just as fact. Before this school year, it was, Abigail hit me" or "Abigail scratched me" and this was often right after he woke up and had obviously not been around Abigail. Sometimes it is "tiger scratched me," so I suppose we can't blame Abigail for everything.
And...Roland lost his first tooth (7/4/10)! Consequently, I figured it was time for a dentist visit seeing as how the new one, which came in within the same week, was crazy crooked. The dentist assures me that that means nothing. But the downside is, Ro had one cavity, which we have already gotten filled. I was pretty worried about how that would go with the numbing, but he did fabulous! On top of that, there is another one loose. Thanks goodness he doesn't wiggle them so the tooth fairy has time to save up before the next one falls out.
As of this posting, we are 23 days into kindergarten. Roland loves to tell people that he is in kindergarten now. Although he has gotten in some trouble for not "first time listening," I really think he likes school.
Monday, August 30, 2010
And then and then and then
Okay. So I tell myself every time I blog that I will be a better blogger from here on out. And before I know it, it has been one week, two weeks, a month, several more holidays, new card in the camera, etc. etc. So I have decided that I will not even pretend to be a better blogger seeing as how I feel like a walking "daylight savings time ends"-one minute less of daylight everyday. We have had a great summer though and the lost blogging time was replaced with loads of fun. I wish (as always) that we could have done more, but it has been ferociously hot for most of the summer and me and the guys are just not the hot type. I like for my hot to involve a swimming pool. We did manage to take some really nice hikes by the Eno River and a few swims. The Eno is really nice because it has shade and water and is beautiful to boot.
Roland started his summer by going to hang out with Maw Maw and Jesse in Tennessee. I think he had a really good time, but I also think that he and Duncan missed each other-eventually. Duncan kept asking, "Where Roland go?" We all stayed a couple of days and went to the petting zoo, watched fireworks and rode go-karts.
I totally have a thing for camels. They are just so cool.
Shane helped Duncan catch this goat, but if Duncan set his mind to it, I don't think the goat would stand a chance.
Getting ready for the fireworks. They sucked. Afterwards, we hightailed it to another place and just caught some really awesome fireworks, so it was all good.
The thinker.
The most awesome part of the petting zoo was seeing a goat have her baby. I have pictures, but will spare you sensible types by not posting them.
For two weeks of the summer, Shane and I enjoyed free babysitting courtesy of two of the local churches. Some people call this vacation bible school, but that depends on your situation. This year was Duncan's first, and Roland's third. It is a huge rush to get from Raleigh to Durham, feed the babies, and get them anywhere by 6:15, but boys had a really good time, which makes it worth the effort. The last night of VBS all the age groups get together and sing songs from that years theme. This year's theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch.
Duncan is between the suspenders and the paisley. Roland is not depicted because he was too shy to stand in front of everyone.
My little trooper has some nice hair.
And...I was very excited to see my good friend Erika and her babies Maddox and Everett. The last time I saw her, the little bun in the picture was still baking. The boys dipped in the pool and I got to talk to a grown-up. It really was nice to get all the kids together and watch them play. I want to give Erika a special shoutout for making it happen.
A bunch of cuties enjoying some Mexican food (a favorite Erika and Christy pastime).
Adios amigos!
Roland started his summer by going to hang out with Maw Maw and Jesse in Tennessee. I think he had a really good time, but I also think that he and Duncan missed each other-eventually. Duncan kept asking, "Where Roland go?" We all stayed a couple of days and went to the petting zoo, watched fireworks and rode go-karts.
I totally have a thing for camels. They are just so cool.
Shane helped Duncan catch this goat, but if Duncan set his mind to it, I don't think the goat would stand a chance.
Getting ready for the fireworks. They sucked. Afterwards, we hightailed it to another place and just caught some really awesome fireworks, so it was all good.
The thinker.
The most awesome part of the petting zoo was seeing a goat have her baby. I have pictures, but will spare you sensible types by not posting them.
For two weeks of the summer, Shane and I enjoyed free babysitting courtesy of two of the local churches. Some people call this vacation bible school, but that depends on your situation. This year was Duncan's first, and Roland's third. It is a huge rush to get from Raleigh to Durham, feed the babies, and get them anywhere by 6:15, but boys had a really good time, which makes it worth the effort. The last night of VBS all the age groups get together and sing songs from that years theme. This year's theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch.
Duncan is between the suspenders and the paisley. Roland is not depicted because he was too shy to stand in front of everyone.
My little trooper has some nice hair.
And...I was very excited to see my good friend Erika and her babies Maddox and Everett. The last time I saw her, the little bun in the picture was still baking. The boys dipped in the pool and I got to talk to a grown-up. It really was nice to get all the kids together and watch them play. I want to give Erika a special shoutout for making it happen.
A bunch of cuties enjoying some Mexican food (a favorite Erika and Christy pastime).
Adios amigos!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I couldn't help but appreciate (in my own warped way) Duncan's choice of toys-and his toy's choice of toys. As I was downloading pics from the camera the other day, Roland saw this picture and said, "That baby's ready to rock!" Hehehe.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Rewards and Awards
In light of the fact that Roland will start school in the fall, we have tried to do some fun things this summer to break the monotony of everyday life. We did manage to go to Myrtle Beach for a few days after graduation. It was so nice to get away from home and responsibility, at least for a little while.
While we were there, Duncan got to experience his first log ride. During the ride he was really good and did not cry or want to get off, but the look on his face in our picture was just priceless.
Full moon on the night of our arrival. Arrrooo!
The boys anxiously awaiting our first day at the beach.
For all you SNL fans, this is "The Falconer" from the Medieval Times. They let the falcon fly around the arena and he flew right over our heads-and right over our plates! Not very hygienic, but cool.
Tooling around in the pool. This is by far one of the best purchases we ever made.
Hanging at home...
James Russell style
Let the battle begin: Water guns vs. ...
We also wrapped up Roland's first year (1/2 year) in Awanas. Roland's age group is called cubbies. The goal is for kids to learn about God and to practice what they learn through applying what they learn. Each week they complete a section of a workbook and do something that relates to that week's lesson (like planting a plant, or learning about another country). In the end they earn badges for their efforts, which they put on their uber cool cubby vest, as depicted below. We are very proud of him.
While we were there, Duncan got to experience his first log ride. During the ride he was really good and did not cry or want to get off, but the look on his face in our picture was just priceless.
Full moon on the night of our arrival. Arrrooo!
The boys anxiously awaiting our first day at the beach.
For all you SNL fans, this is "The Falconer" from the Medieval Times. They let the falcon fly around the arena and he flew right over our heads-and right over our plates! Not very hygienic, but cool.
Tooling around in the pool. This is by far one of the best purchases we ever made.
Hanging at home...
James Russell style
Let the battle begin: Water guns vs. ...
We also wrapped up Roland's first year (1/2 year) in Awanas. Roland's age group is called cubbies. The goal is for kids to learn about God and to practice what they learn through applying what they learn. Each week they complete a section of a workbook and do something that relates to that week's lesson (like planting a plant, or learning about another country). In the end they earn badges for their efforts, which they put on their uber cool cubby vest, as depicted below. We are very proud of him.
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